
From their keyboards to your eyeballs. Words from those who love me, know me, and haven’t defriended me from Facebook yet. 

“Gabrielle, here’s the testimonial you asked for... just remember to copy from the chevron (command c) > “Gabrielle is one of my favourite and most talented students. She’ll make a valued addition to anyone’s creative team.” < stop here (command v). If you forget how to copy/paste just send me another one of your billion plus daily emails. How is it you can’t remember how to copy and f&@king paste after 6 months?!”- Joseph Durning (Art Direction Computer Skills Prof., Humber College)

“I used to think Gabrielle was very creative.”- (Mark Lazarovitz, Father)

"Gabbie is one of the most talented punch-up writers I have ever encountered. Unfortunately, that's not what I hired her for." (Hugh Neilson, Former Boss at Great Canadian Theatre Company)

“Don’t give Gabrielle a job! Ottawa will be lost without her creativity.” -(Irene Lazarovitz, Mother)

“Gabrielle is a brilliant woman who has the best ideas I’ve ever heard and has never done anything wrong in the 14 years I’ve known her. She’s absolutely never told me what to say or think and I 100% believe she would make an exceptional addition to this or any workplace.” (Thomas Jolicoeur, Husband)

“Gabbie [or Gabrielle] is both witty and sharp-witted, able to cut to the heart of any subject or issue with ease. Her work is clear and concise, and she gets the point across with both weight and humour. She goes above and beyond. Three things Gabbie has in spades: adaptability, ingenuity, and follow-through. Don't sleep on this.” (Joseph Mathieu, Journalist + Friend)